Current implemented features

Last modified by Joe L on 2011/03/25 15:59

!players  - Shows a list of players

!lol - Shows a *sometimes* funny one line joke

!coffee - Shows a one liner on coffee

!offlinemsg <player> <message> - Sends a message to a player next time they log on

!mitch - Shows a joke from the late great Mitch Hedberg

!calc <expression> - Evaluates a math express ie. !calc 16/4 outputs 4

!<resource> <number> - Calculates how many of what raw materials are necessary to create this number of resource. Resource can be Tracks, Torches, Dye Colors (ie. green), Bookcases, and a few others

A few other derogatory commands mostly for the lulz

An IRC bot is set up on gamesurge which will relay in game chat messages, and allow communication from outside minecraft.

Port: 6667
Channel: #mcjoeadmin

From Irc... !mc <message> will send a message to all players in minecraft

If you've never used IRC...

There's a web client here:

Or a standalone client here: